April 30, 2014
The importance of a Cool Down after exercise
The time of year of bright mornings and long light evenings is upon us, resulting in many of us wanting to get out and exercise for those charity runs or to get that beach ready body. It is important to remember to warm…
Health Advice,Specific Conditions
March 27, 2014
Do you really have a Frozen Shoulder?
Very frequently patients consult us thinking (or having previously being told ) that they have a “Frozen Shoulder” only for us to find out that their shoulder problem is a result of something else entirely! Frozen…
Health Advice,Specific Conditions
January 31, 2014
Myofascial Trigger Points – An Overview!
What are myofascial trigger points? They are defined as a ‘hyperirritable locus within a taut band of skeletal muscle, located in the muscle tissue or its associated fascia’ (Travell and Simons 1983). Essentially it is…
December 23, 2013
Omega 3 – An Overview
What is Omega-3? Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid which the body requires to function normally. It is not a single nutrient rather a group of polyunsaturated fatty acids which is broken down into different components…
October 31, 2013
Highlightling the National Osteoporotic Society’s “Stop at One” Awereness Campaign
Earlier this month, the National Osteoporosis Society launched its “Stop at One” campaign to raise public awareness of fractures caused by osteoporosis . This campaign aims to encourage people over 50 who have suffered…
May 29, 2013
Take the Pain & Strain out of the Garden
Gardening Advice Now the sun is starting to shine and there’s promise of summer being just around the corner many of us are being tempted into the garden. Whilst this is a great time of the year it is all too often that…
February 25, 2013
Posture – How to sit correctly
Sitting Posture Poor sitting posture can lead to a number of aches and pains not only in the back and neck but also shoulder and arm pain as well as headaches. A slouched posture increases the load on the ligaments and…
Health Advice,Specific Conditions
December 20, 2012
Edinburgh Runners – Common Running Injuries & What Causes Them.
Common Running Injuries In the next few weeks and months, those training for this years Edinburgh Marathon (May 26th) will be upping the mileage on their feet substantially and some may encounter pains and strains as a…
Babies & Children,Health Advice,Hints & Tips
November 29, 2012
Tips for New Parents to Help Avoid Back Pain
Posture, Lifting and Carrying Tips for New Parents The arrival of a new born baby is a very exciting time, but it is also a time when parents and caregivers are at risk of developing back pain due to neglect of their…