Acupuncture: West V East!

At first glance they appear very similar, needles are inserted into various places in the body and they are then stimulated either by hand or electrical impulses before being taken out again. However the two approaches…

Kinesio Taping

Taping Traditionally when you hear of strapping and taping you think of support and restricted movement of painful or injured areas. Until a few years ago you wouldn’t be far wrong with those thoughts, however there has…

Edinburgh Chiropractor reviews the potential benefits of The Webster Technique for expectant mothers.

Do any reading about chiropractic treatment during pregnancy and the chances are you will have either read about or have seen videos posted on the internet about “The Webster Technique”.  This blog post by Edinburgh…

Tips for New Parents to Help Avoid Back Pain

Posture, Lifting and Carrying Tips for New Parents The arrival of a new born baby is a very exciting time, but it is also a time when parents and caregivers are at risk of developing back pain due to neglect of their…