Morningside Chiropractic Clinic
74 Comiston Road, Edinburgh
EH10 5QJ
0131 447 3794
We hope that you have all managed to stay well and active during this very challenging time and look forward to seeing you again whenever you may need us.
We would like to confirm that we are fully open for Chiropractic and Sports Massage treatments but with some new special measures in place (see below). .
Please be assured that we are keeping up to date with all developments and advice both from Public Health Scotland and Scottish Government and will continue to take all necessary precautions. We have been working hard to make a number of changes to keep both you and everyone here at Morningside Chiropractic as safe as possible while you attend for treatment.
In order to provide maximum protection for everyone at the clinic we would ask you to please read and adhere to our new clinic policy as set out below.
What we are doing
- Thorough risk assessment carried out and strict cleaning, sanitation and infection control protocol adhered to in line with Public Health Scotland guidance.
- All patients will be contacted and triaged for Covid-19 symptoms before their appointment.
- To reduce clinic footfall, only 2 chiropractors will be providing treatment at any one time and we have added frequent spaces in the diary to allow necessary time for cleaning.
- Chairs spaced out 2 meters in waiting area, floor 2 m distance markers in place, protective plastic screen at reception and hand sanitisers and tissues readily available.
- If you need to use one of our pens or clip boards, these will be cleaned with anti-viral agents after every use.
- Chiropractors will wear all necessary PPE which will be disposed of/ decontaminated between appointments whilst the treatment room surfaces and equipment used are also cleaned with anti-viral agents.
- Reception team will be wearing a mask (but we promise they will be smiling as usual behind them!)
- Enhanced cleaning of all communal areas including card terminal and bathroom cleaned after every use.
What we now ask of you
- We recommend you wear your own face covering in accordance with Scottish Government advice on enclosed public spaces (we can provide one if required for a small charge).
- Please enter the clinic no sooner than 5 minutes before or exactly on time for your appointment.
- Please attend your appointment on your own (except if under 16 and then with only one adult present) – If this is not possible please call our clinic and we will try and arrange a time to visit outside current practice hours.
- There is a hand sanitiser station at the main door, please use it (using elbows to dispense) before entering the clinic.
- Upon entering please wait for instructions from one of our team and you will be advised where to go/wait.
- Please bring in as few personal items as possible with you and please do not place them on any surfaces.
Card payments only until further notice please. - If you have used the bathroom please inform Reception so that the area can be cleaned before future use.
- Please leave our clinic as quickly as possible after your appointment (or after paying).
- Please do not ask for treatment receipts to be printed whilst in clinic – we can email them out if required.
- Please use hand sanitiser station again after exit.
Those who should wait before attending the clinic
If you, or someone in your household have any of following symptoms of COVID-19 such as:
- Cough
- Fever
- Flu like symptoms
- Shortness of breath
- Loss of taste or smell
If you have any concerns about your appointment please call us on 0131443794 or email us at
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and helping us all stay safe!
Quick enquiry
Please get in touch by filling in the form or calling us on 0131 447 3794