Acupuncture: West V East!

At first glance they appear very similar, needles are inserted into various places in the body and they are then stimulated either by hand or electrical impulses before being taken out again. However the two approaches…

Spinal Manipulation for Low Back Pain – Recent Reseach

Spinal manipulation is one of the treatment modalities most often  associated with chiropractors, osteopaths and some physiotherapists. In this post we will highlight 3 recent research papers on this manual technique…

Myofasical Release

What is Myofascia? The term myofasical stems from two Latin words ‘myo’ meaning muscle and ‘fascia’ for bands. We are all pretty familiar with the importance and roles of the muscles but the fascia is less widely…

Kinesio Taping

Taping Traditionally when you hear of strapping and taping you think of support and restricted movement of painful or injured areas. Until a few years ago you wouldn’t be far wrong with those thoughts, however there has…